
Christ's College - A Photograpic Study

Christ's College - A Photographic Study

Christchurch: Christ's College Old boys' Association, 64pp, stapled stiff paper wrapper, b&w photography throughout with no text, no publisher or date, looks to be mid to late 1960s vintage, Christ's College in Christchurch, New Zealand. First Edition. Original Wraps. Very Good/No Jacket. Illus. by John Eastcott.

The Dickensian Bookshop

The Dickensian Bookshop is a secondhand bookshop specialising in the best of modern and classic literature. We stock a selection of Antiquarian and Collector's books and have a large collection of quality reference books covering such diverse subjects as History, Transport, Architecture, Art, Philosophy and Politics. We also sell a collection of small antiques, curios, prints and paintings.